Thursday, September 04, 2003

Today N said he really liked S, that she's "a good sister, she's fun to play with and she's smart", pause, "I think she's smarter than us". This was a remarkable statement from the older brother who has "hated" her for so long....though not constantly I must admit - they've always gotten along, it's just not consistent. In fact their relationship, with M too, can be pretty rocky at times. But these bright moments really make a difference for us. H called me at work just to let me know. They continued to play well together all day.

They're all very excited about tomorrow because they've decided it's their un-birthday. They're giving each other presents, toys that they already have, but it's the idea that counts, right? Now how the cake is going to work I don't know...

H is at the premier of the play she's in tonight. She's the first character on the stage. She was nervous and full of excited energy when she left. Hope she had fun. Wish I had some flowers for her....

School work deadlines coming up. I've got to do some writing tonight, at least 300-400 words. Easy!!

Working on HTML. It's getting easier the more I do it. Listening to Uncle Tupelo.


Our lawyer should be drafting the "demand letter" next week. Hopefully this whole house thing will be settled this year.

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