Monday, September 15, 2003

M&N start Aikido class tomorrow. I'm going to observe, though I don't think I'll be able to participate since I can't get there early enough. As it is I'll be riding there right after work.

We're starting in on Ethics & Professionalism this week, after doing two weeks of copyright law. It feels weird to change gears after being immersed in Title 17 so intensely.

H has almost finished a painting that she's going to give to Heather. That darn left corner is still bugging her though....

S fell asleep tonight while laying beside me after we finished singing songs. She must have been pretty tired - it took her about two minutes to conk out.

Twilight's tail got caught in the dishwasher door this evening when I closed it. The poor cat yowled louder than I've ever heard him do yet. I got his tail out pretty quickly, but he kept it close to his legs for quite awhile, and it had a definite kink in it too. But I think it's all straightened out now....

M&N&S&H had a fun day of doing and making lots of projects. The kids enjoy projects, making anything it seems like, to no end.

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