Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Went to a dog agility trials/show at the Northwest Fairgrounds in Lynden last Saturday with the kids. It was inside the horse arena, but it was very cold and raining/snowing heavily outside. We lasted almost two hours. Bought sandwiches, burritos and hot chocolate for lunch. Got to see all of the smallest dogs go through the course before we were ready to leave. We were sitting in bleachers, up at the top. There were a lot of people there, several spectators and families sitting below us. Everyone was quietly watching except for N, M & S. They were chattering away animatedly like a trio of starlings. It was kind of funny and very cute, though I did feel self-conscious about how much noise my kids were making. I tried not to shush them too much - just wanted them to be aware of other people around them.

After that we went to the theater at Bellis Fair mall to see Bridge to Teribithia. The last time we went it was sold out, but that gave us some extra time to finish the book. As we were walking into the mall two girls, maybe around 12, both with long blond hair and probably sisters, ran up to N all excited and asked if they could get their picture taken with him. His hair is short, spiky and very red right now. N said "oookay" and looked a little freaked about, but smiled through his blush and let them flank him as a friend of theirs took the pic with a cell phone. Apparently they had seen N the night before while ice skating! M&S and I thought it was pretty funny. The movie was OK, though we were there so early we had to sit through all the commercials before the previews.

It was nice to hang out with them.

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