Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I'm in the thick of it now. School work is eating up my sleeping and recreating time, but I'm getting a pretty good handle on the subjects this quarter (reference services and cataloging).

We've set up a workable schedule with the kids - after 9pm I'm no longer available. Then it's school time (from 9-11). The only other time I have for schoolwork is my lunch hour. No more chess...

What else do I have going on?

I've got to finish up a report for the usability group I'm involved in at work.
I'm working on another article with Paul - this one about information use and breakdowns during Hurricane Katrina.
Paul and I have submitted a proposal for the LOEX conference next year in Hawaii.
I'm going to the WALE conference in a couple of weeks.
Apple fest is in two weeks.
I've got to figure out how to help Windward High School with their library and maybe do an Information Literacy workshop for them.
I'm considering applying for a fellowship with UNC.
I'm still thinking about a Fulbright fellowship.
H and I are looking at Vancouver, BC much more seriously now as a place to live.

Speaking of which, we just celebrated our 10th anniversary up there over a three day weekend, which was a lot of fun. Saw a premier at VIFF, ate some great food, and slept in a lot.

Well, I guess that's enough for now. I've made this blog my home page to encourage myself to post to it more often. Hope it works!

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