Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Met with the principal (Jill Iwasaki) and community coordinator (April Busch) for Windward High School last night at Stuart's Coffee House to talk about volunteering to help them with their library. The meeting went very well. We are all enthusiastic about making this work. I'll be helping them organize their library (which at this point consists of donated books on shelves), using cataloging software (which I need to research and evaluate) and student help (I'll have interns working for me!)

We also discussed collection development and information literacy workshops for students and staff, as well as research workshops for the students. This will be a long-term relationship that will fit in nicely with my portfolio requirements at the iSchool. Jill said I'll be the "Librarian Mentor".

They were also excited to have someone "young and cool" and thought it would be great to have a librarian male role model.

I joked that the last time I met with a principal was when I was getting suspended from high school for a week....

I'm getting towards the end of Fall quarter. Grupo Cinco just finished our project and submitted it last night. Just a couple more papers to go in both classes and then a break!

M really liked his pottery class and made some beautiful pieces. Now he's decided to join N in his dance class, so now all three kids are dancing again.

H's kid acting classes continue to grow- two new students starting this week. The bartering seems to be working out pretty well too. She had a great experience taking improv classes in Canada, has finally dropped Sheila Goldsmith's improv class here in Bellingham (along with a lot of other students), and will be starting an informal improv get-together/learning time with them. She also just got cast in one of the leading roles for a play at the iDiOM Theater here in Bellingham, written and directed locally.

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