Thursday, August 12, 2004

It's been too long since I've posted. A busy and stressful Spring quarter at the iSchool followed by the bliss and relaxation of summer break.

It's been weird getting back into the flow of non-school life, reconnecting with my wife and kids. I've been spending most of my free time reading comics and watching movies, as well as some camping (Baker River trail with the family - our first family walk-in, carry-it-all-on-your-back camping trip), climbing (Mt St Helens with some old friends), and guitar playing.

Still have a month and a half left!

Going to New York to be part of the protests against the Republican National Convention Aug 28-Sep 4. It's going to be an amazing experience. I've got total support from H and from my friends and colleagues. In fact, many of them are helping finance my trip with donations (which I asked for). It's been nice to get such response from them.

I'm also starting to get nervous about this trip. Took me awhile to fall asleep the other night because all I could think about was what a great terrorist target the RNC would be, and of course the worse possible incident would involve a nuclear bomb or dirty bomb of some kind.

But I can't let my fear keep me from doing this - driving to the airport will probably be the most dangerous part of the trip. I plan on keeping a journal and taking lots of pictures while I'm there.

I'll be working with a group called Radical Reference ( doing street reference for protestors. I'm also going to check out the Counter Convention ( and do some volunteer work there.

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