Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Christmas in Oregon was nice, very relaxing, though more stressful for H than for me since it was her family we were with and she naturally sees more of the dynamics there that I don't....

The kids had a lot of fun hanging out with their cousins. The drive back was pretty mellow though tiring. It felt good to get home.

We discovered that Sam had been bitten by one of the other cats while we were away and the wound had abscessed - so another trip to the vet! More money spent! Sam's turning into an expensive cat.

The winter break has been great - two more weeks left until my quarter starts up again and then it'll be back to the grindstone. I got great grades last quarter - my first 4.0 for a whole quarter. I think this quarter will be tougher though, what with the database design class. Will have to see.

H's rehearsals are going well though she hasn't got all her lines memorized yet. She keeps raving about her cast-mates and director. Her play opens in a couple of weeks.

More music playing this Friday night at Andrew and Debbie's New Year's party - really looking forward to that. Have to get the new guitar and mandolin strings on.

The dvd that H and I made turned out really well and everyone we've given it to has enjoyed it. I need to make a few more copies and am slowly rebuilding it after I unthinkingly deleted the whole file! Man was I pissed/depressed about that for a few days.

N, M and S are really into Pokemon right now - they all got binders with card holder thingamajobs for xmas. Today was my last day of vacation....

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Oy, it's been too long since I've posted! Leaving tomorrow for H's parents place for the Christmas break. Will try to write more from down in Oregon.

Enjoying the break from school...